
Invitation to Cryptocurrency webinar


As you will all be aware Digital currency is very topical, it is hard to turn on the TV and not hear about Crypto, Bitcoin, Blockchain etc. You might also find that like ABG (London) you may have clients who are starting to report bitcoins in their accounts.

ABG have partnered to run a Cryptocurrency 101 webinar with a well-known name in the Crypto world, On Yavin. On is a serial entrepreneur and the founder of Cointelligence and based in the US. On will be joined by a UK lawyer, Charles Kerrigan, who specialises in all things digital.

This free webinar will be held on 9 July at 2pm London time and run via Zoom. ABG are happy for us to extend an invite to all our members that might be interested in attending.

Full details on the event, details of the speakers and how to sign up are available via ABG’s website.

If you would like to reserve a place for yourself or a member of your team.

This event will be in English only.


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