
Legal Notice

Desing and layout

The web agency ADIPSO SARL specialised in consulting and the creation of websites with capital of €15,000.00 euros, having its registered office at 3 rue de la division Leclerc (67000) Strasbourg, Tel: Email: is registered with the trade and company register of Strasbourg under number TI 479 507 816.

Site host:

Celeonet SARL
55 rue Boissonade
75014 PARIS


Company name: EAI International
SIRET no: 388070088 00025/NAF code 6920Z

Address: 24, Rue de Londres, 75009 Paris, France
Telephone number: +33 1 53 93 94 60
The name of the editor in chief or joint editor in chief and, where applicable, that of the managing editor is Yves Marguerat.
Individual VAT identification number: VAT number FR 77388070088


Data processing

User data collected by the website are indispensable for addressing requests (information, appointment, use of forums etc.) and make the different website services available to users. In accordance with articles 39 et sequentes and the French data protection act 78-17 of 6 January 1978, users have the right to obtain and where applicable rectify or cause the deletion of their data by contacting the editor of the content (using the contact particulars provided above: address/email). The data shall not in any event be disclosed to third parties without the prior consent of the user and shall be intended exclusively for the editor of the website, its subsidiaries and the members of its sales network, for the purposes of surveys, analyses and sales and marketing operations. For more information about the protection of personal data, please view the website of the Commission Informatique et Libertés (French data protection authority). (

Intellectual property

The photographs, text, slogans, drawings, images, animated sequences, with or without sounds, and all the works incorporated in the website are the property of the website editor or third parties that have authorised their use by the website editor. Any total or partial reproduction of such elements without the express authorisation of the operator of the website or its assigns is prohibited under article L713-2 of the Intellectual Property Code.


Users shall use the website at their own risks, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. In no event shall the website editor be liable for any direct or consequential damage, particularly any loss of property, data or programs or financial harm resulting from access or use of this website or any associated websites. The content of this website is presented with no guarantee of any type.

Service conditions

This website is optimised for the latest browsers that comply with web standards.